Managing corporate partnerships in extraordinary times
Corporate partnerships specialist Linda Garnett deals with a question of concern for many organisations right now – what do we do about our corporate partnerships?
Corporate partnerships specialist Linda Garnett deals with a question of concern for many organisations right now – what do we do about our corporate partnerships?
Australians have reasons to be cautiously optimistic that the COVID-19 lockdown is working, and I’ve heard talk about the economic recovery once restrictions are gradually lifted. Will it be a V-shape, a U-shape or L-shape?
Corporate partnerships specialists Linda Garnett and Sharon Dann help organisations think more broadly than corporate philanthropy, and show you how to grow individual fundraising with partners.
Finance and accounting Specialist Brenton Cox answers a common question on the tip of everyone’s tongue, as we make our way through uncertain times.
Benefolk specialist business member Jacqui Blanch provides a useful set of questions to help narrow down the sea of web options.
Media relations specialist Jodie Artis has helped hundreds of leaders become sought after by the media, and shows you how.
It’s obvious that natural disasters demand comprehensive cooperation. Federal, state and local governments, not-for-profit and commercial businesses, and individuals must all do their part to minimize loss of life, loss of property, and damage to the environment.
Specialist Brenda Mainland provides a valuable set of questions that all organisations should be asking themselves, to ensure they are protected and protecting their stakeholders in a changing environment around privacy regulation.
As they say, teamwork makes the dream work.
When did you last work in a team where you were all beating to the same drum? What was it that made it special?
Brand specialist Darren Taylor helps us glean the key take-outs from the Celeste Barber campaign.